"Artenschutz in Nepal"
Auf den Spuren bedrohter Amphibien
& Reptilien - Tei1: Schildkröten
A documentary movie by H. Hermann Schleich
Camera & tone: H. Hermann Schleich - Cutting: Andreas Diener
The movie gives an impression of the
work of ARCO-Nepal on-site and the difficulties of turtle conservation.
Available on Video (german, VHS-PAL EUR 15.30) or
CD (german, SVCD-PAL (EUR 7.40) & MS-AVI (EUR
6.10)). The Video includes an interview (english)
with Dr. Tirtha M. Maskey (Dept. National Parks & Wildlife
Conservation (DNPWC) Nepal / Kathmandu). Runtime: 28 min. 12 sec.
Ordering: ARCO c/o Ctjo. Sol Y Vida - Pago los
Oña - E-04200 Tabernas / Almeria