Nepali study books:
Turtles, Snakes, Lizards, Amphibians

Hermann Schleich
& Kaluram Rai
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Nepal – Turtles.
2012, engl./nepali,
pp. 42, 18 colour photos, 12 drawings.
ISBN 978-3-9814938-4-9. EUR
9.-- without shipping
Hermann Schleich
& Kaluram Rai
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Nepal – Lizards and Crocodiles.
2012, engl./nepali,
pp. 39, 25 colour photos, 14 drawings.
ISBN 978-3-9814938-1-8. EUR
9.-- without shipping
Hermann Schleich
& Kaluram Rai
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Nepal – Snakes.
2012, engl./nepali,
pp. 45, 35 colour photos, 16 drawings.
ISBN 978-3-9814938-2-5. EUR
9.-- without shipping
Hermann Schleich
& Kaluram Rai
Amphibians and Reptiles of
Nepal – Amphibians.
2012, engl./nepali,
pp. 32, 33 colour photos, 11 drawings.
ISBN 978-3-9814938-3-2. EUR 9.-- without shipping
Orders: ARCO c/o Crtjo
Sol y Vida, Pago los Oñas, E-04200

H. Hermann Schleich
Turtle Conservation by ARCO Nepal (PDF-Dokument)
TRIONYX 2003 1(1):13-17 / Uitgave van de NSV "Nederlandse
Schildpadden Vereniging

H. Hermann Schleich & Werner
Kästle (Eds.)
Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal (2002)
English. 1200 pages, 377 colour
photographs. Hardcover. € 149 / US$ 166
ISBN 3-904144-79-0 (079273)
Nepal owes its rich diversity of over
50 amphibian and 130 reptile species to its unique geographic conditions.
The country forms a gigantic flight of steps from the Gangetic
Plain to the Tibetan Plateau, with climatic belts from the subtropics to
eternal snow. Situated at the transitional zone between the Palearctic and
Oriental zoogeographic regions, its herpetofauna
consists of a mixture of Indian, Himalayan, Indo-Malayan, Tibetan, Chinese
and SW Asian elements.
In spite of the fact that the herpetological exploration of Nepal began
almost 200 years ago, there are still many open questions. Even the
distribution of several deadly venomous snake species is almost unknown.
Above all information on the East was very scarce, and recent expeditions
brought surprising new records, including hints on the occurrence of a
species of Flying Dragons. This book intends a critical stock-taking of
today’s knowledge, including general ambient conditions, aspects of
ethno-herpetology, conservation, snakebite incidents and zoogeography. The
special part consists of illustrated keys as well as detailed paragraphs on
each of the species. Besides the characters which are necessary for
identification, there is a wealth of information on biological details of
ecology, behaviour and reproduction.
Especial emphasis is laid on verified records from Nepal, which are plotted
on a grid map for each species. A regional map shows the distribution of
each species in Nepal and the adjacent countries. Two detailed lists
furnish data on distribution in Nepal. One of them compiles the recorded
localities for every species (in several cases over 100), the other gives
geographic information on localities as elevation and position on the grid maps.Over 2,000 marginal drawings supplement the
identification keys and provide additional information on morphological and
biological details. 127 colour plates with 377 pictures illustrate over 130
species which are – with few exceptions – taken from life and
often present different aspects of one species as variable colour patterns,
sexes and developmental stages. 21 photos present typical habitats, others
illustrate threats to the species as frog hunting, „killing for
precaution“, souvenir market or inadequate keeping in temples.Up to our days printed information on
amphibians and reptiles of Nepal consisted of more or less critically
viewed checklists or even fantastic compilations without any solid base.
Additionally, there were no general identification keys available.
This book now furnishes a solid base for future herpetological research,
which is not only of scientific interest, but can help to reduce the number
of snakebite victims drastically or help to avert imminent extermination of
threatened species. Due to its rich illustration and an ample chapter on
terminology it is not only addressed to scientists or students, but will also
be of use to every interested naturalist.
Orders will be recorded at Koeltz
Scientific Books - P.O Box 1360 - D-61453 - Koenigstein
Phone: +49 (0)6174 93720 - Fax: +49 (0)6174 937240

Christiane Anders
Biologie und Systematik der
Amphibien Nepals (2002) - Veröffentlichungen aus dem Fuhlrott-Museum,
Band 6
German. 630 pages, over 400
drawings and b/w-photographs. Paperback.
EUR 48.-
/ ISBN 3-934921-05-1
This study provides a detailed summary of the preliminarily available
biological data and informations concerning the
systematics of all known amphibian species of Nepal. Additionally a key to
the amphibian families and species was compiled and a checklist to the
known common names in Nepali, English and German is presented. For 45 out
of 49 known and analysed amphibian species in total, multiple drawings and
sketches were made to show and to explain specific characteristics.
Additionally, the general distribution and range of species in Asia and the
exact local records in Nepal are provided in maps. Furthermore a summary of
the amphibian locality records in Nepal and an overview of amphibian
species of adjacent areas was realised.
Biometrical data are presented in a table, and a listing
of old code numbers of the studied types of the BMNH in contrast to the new
ones facilitate the use of this numbers. For selected species
morphological, biometrical, ecological and parasitological investigations,
as well as bioacoustical analyses of specific
call structures and studies of scanning microscopy were carried out.
Keywords: amphibians;
systematics; key; checklist; distribution; morphology; biometry;
parasitology; bioacoustics; ecology; scanning microscopy; SEM; Nepal.
Ordering: ARCO c/o Ctjo. Sol Y Vida - Pago los
Oña - E-04200 Tabernas / Almeria

H. Hermann Schleich (Ed.)
Das andere Nepal (2001)
Exhibition Catalogue. German. 156
pages, 137 colour photographs. Paperback.
EUR 12.30 / ISBN 3-934921-03-5

Geleitwort S.E. des Botschafters des Königreiches von Nepal Balram
Singh Malla
Grußwort des Präsidenten der Deutsch-Nepalischen Gesellschaft
Ram Pratap Thapa
H.H. Schleich: Vorwort (2. & 1. Auflage)
H.H. Schleich: Nepal - Stichpunkte zur Landeskunde, Daten zur Geschichte
H.H. Schleich: Nepal - Schnittpunkt der Kulturen und Völker
Rahuls Srivastava: Eine kurze Entstehungsgeschichte des Himalayas und
seiner jüngsten Vorgebirge
H.H. Schleich: Zur Geologie-Paläontologie der Siwlakis
H.H. Schleich: Zur Tier- und Pflanzenwelt Nepals
H.H. Schleich: Nationalparks im Terai Nepals
W. Kolbe: Käfer und Schmetterlinge Nepals
C. Anders, W. Kästle & H. Hermann Schleich: Die Amphibien und
Reptilien Nepals
H.H. Schleich: Schildkrötenschutz in Nepal
W. Kästle; Neu entdekcte Wirbeltiere aus Nepal
C. Anders: Fischfang in Nepal
C. Anders: Heilige Tiere und ihr Bezug zur Götterwelt
E. Knieriem: Märchen aus einer anderen Welt (Übersetzung)
N. Rai, H.H. Schleich & R. Srivastava: Kurze und typische Gerichte
Christane C. Anders: Traditionelle Medizin in Nepal und Tibet
Rahul Srivastava & H.H. Schleich; Hinduismus - eine Weltreligion
C. Anders: Religiöse und Historische Feste in Nepal
R.P. Thapa: Volkstänze aus Nepal
H.H. Schleich: Thangkas - Bhuddhistische Rollbilder aus Nepal und Tibet
H.H. Schleich: Sprachhilfe und Glossar
Ordering: ARCO c/o Ctjo. Sol Y Vida - Pago los
Oña - E-04200 Tabernas / Almeria

H. Hermann Schleich (Ed.)
Turtles of Nepal - A Children's Colouring Book (2000)
English/Nepali &
English/German. 33 pages. Paperback.
EUR 4.50 / ISBN: 3-87429-414-5 (English/German) - 3-934921-01-9
download of Nepal Version (PDF-Dokument)
Ordering: ARCO c/o Ctjo. Sol Y Vida - Pago los
Oña - E-04200 Tabernas / Almeria

H. Hermann Schleich & Werner
Kästle (Eds.)
Contribution to the Herpetology of South Asia (Nepal,
India) (1998) - Veröffentlichungen aus dem Fuhlrott-Museum,
Band 4
English. 322 pages, 72 colour
photographs, over 250 drawings and b/w-photographs. Paperback.
EUR 26.80 / ISBN 3-87429-404-8
Studies on Tylototriton verrucosus
(Amphibia: Caudata)
Anders, C. C., Schleich, H. H. & Shah, K.B.:
Contributions to the Biology of Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson 1871 from East Nepal (Amphibia: Caudata, Salamandridae)
Anders, C.C., El-Matbuli, M & Hoffmann, R.W.:
Oxyurid Nematode Parasite of the Intestine of Tylototriton verrucosus
Anderson 1871
Haller-Probst, M.: Contributions to the Osteology
of Tylototriton verrucosus
Anderson 1871 and T. shanjing Nussbaum et al.
1995 (Amphibia: Caudata,
Miscellanea Batrachologica
Schleich, H.H. & Anders, C.C.: Tomopterna maskeyi spec. nov. from Nepal (Amphibia, Anura)
Anders, C.C., Diener, A. & Schleich, H.H.: First record of Polypedates
taeniatus (Boulenger,
1906) from Nepal (Amphibia, Anura:
Studies on the Biology of the Genus Sitana (Sauria: Agamidae)
Schleich, H.H., Kästle,
W. & Shah, K.B.: Description of Sitana sivalensis spec. nov., (Sauria: Agamidae) from South
Schleich, H.H. & Kästle,
W.: SEM Studies on the Morphology of Sitana sivalensis spec.nov. and Sitana ponticeriana
Cuvier 1829
Kästle, W.: Studies on the Ecology and
Behaviour of Sitana sivalensis
spec. nov. Schleich,
H.H. & Kästle, W.: Sitana
fusca spec.nov., a
further Species from the Sitana sivalensis - Complex
Anders, C.C. & Schleich, H.H.: Brief Notes on
the Anatomy of the Female Urogenital Tract of Sitana
Studies on the Systematics and
Biology of the Genus Japalura (Sauria: Agamidae)
Kästle, W. & Schleich,
H.H.: Notes on Comparative Ethology and Taxonomy of the Genus Japalura
Kästle,W. & Schleich,
H.H.: Contributions to the Biology of Japalura kumaonensis (Annandale, 1907)
Schleich, H.H.& Kästle, W.: Description of Gonydactylus
nepalensis spec. nov.
from the Inner Terai of Far West Nepal (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae)
Schleich, H.H. & Maskey,
T.M.: Necessity for a Turtle Conservation in Nepal
Maskey, T.M., Kölle,
P., Hoffmann, R.W., Anders, C.C. & Schleich,
H.H.: Disastrous Impact of Intestinal Infection in captive bred Gharial Hatchlings
Patnaik, R. & Schleich,
H. H.: Fossil Microreptiles from Pliocene Siwalik
Sediments of India
Bajpai, S., Sahni, A.
& Schleich, H.H.: Late Cretaceous Gekkonid Egg Shells from the Deccan Intertrappeans
of Kutch (India)
Sahni, A., Singh, S., Gaffney, E. & Schleich, H.H.: Reptilia from
the Intertrappean Beds of Bombay (India)
Ordering: ARCO c/o Ctjo. Sol Y Vida - Pago los
Oña - E-04200 Tabernas / Almeria
