About Us
The conservation society ARCO-Nepal (Amphibian and Reptile Conservation of Nepal), founded 1997, is concerned with the promotion of knowledge on herpetology and conservation. Its main field of activity is to enhance the awareness on biology, systematics and conservation of amphibians and reptiles in Nepal. Name and symbol of the conservation society use the English abbreviation to employ the official language of Nepal and to emphasise the necessity of international orientation and collaboration. Arco also means "the bow", in our case the rainbow which as a symbol for nature, ambient and ecology should span and shelter our efforts.

The predominant task of our society is the support of the turtle conservation project (Systematics, Biology and Conservation of the Turtles of Nepal) which was approved by the Nepalese government in January 1997. Besides the urgently needed initiation and realisation of this conservation project there is great need to record the hitherto largely unexplored amphibian and reptile fauna of Nepal.

The ARCO-Nepal society is intended to arouse interest in the actual problems and the planned measures. Talks, events and publications will inform members, but also interested non-members and guests, on project development, progress of official and practical conservative measures as well as the latest scientific results concerning the herpetology of Nepal. Seminars and guest lectures are intended to arouse interest in this field of herpetology. Public education campaigns, information and training for schools, colleges, institutes and national parks as well as the establishment of conservation projects (e.g. at national parks, community districts a.o.) is a further task of ARCO-Nepal.

Research work (projects, dissertations for diplomas and doctorates) have already started successfully but should still be intensified and widened in the fields mentioned above. ARCO-Nepal welcomes all interested persons and, of course, new members. With a single annual membership fee great contributions to the project scopes can be realized. Donations are naturally welcome, too. Also practical help is needed as well in Nepal itself as for a lot of logistical work in other countries. Information on membership and collaboration can be obtained from the Internet. Any further kind of suggestion is also welcome.

The turtle conservation project needs a lot of idealism, engagement and recruitment of new members. It is a long-term enterprise with a great aim. First results, including the first description of some up to now unknown amphibian and reptile species, as well as further research jobs to this topic complex, are published in the special editions Contributions to the Herpetology of South Asia (Nepal, India) (Veröffentlichungen aus dem Fuhlrott-Museum Band 4, ISBN 3-87429-404-8) and Biologie und Systematik der Amphibien Nepals (Veröffentlichungen aus dem Fuhlrott-Museum Band 6, ISBN 3-934921-05-1). Furthermore a child painting book about the turtles of Nepal with accompanying texts in English/German as well as Englisch/Nepali, posters, videos and much more can be acquired.

A book about the amphibians and reptiles of Nepal, (Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal by H.H. Schleich & W. Kaestle (eds.), ISBN 3-904144-79-0), that offers a comprehensive view of the current knowledge state to the Herpetology of Nepal and considering the newest investigation results of the last years, is published. Orders will be recorded at Koeltz Scientific Books.